An experience
for travelers
For a safe trip.
Minimizing risks is everyone’s responsibility.
Latitud Tenerife is not an experience for everybody. As our slogan says “An experience for travellers” it is about a route recommended only for those who are used to practise hiking and to be surrounded by nature.
The experience is mainly focused for hikers of a medium and advanced level (never basic). Children are not allowed. The minimum age in order to participate is 16 years old. Underaged people must always be accompanied by an adult and under his / her responsibility. For security reasons we do not recommend the activity to lone hikers. The activity is highly recommended to couples, families and groups.
We have a solid commitment with security and sustainability. For this reason it is essential to advise you that in nature there is no zero risk, although we can take all the necessary measures to minimize it.
Avoiding risks as much as possible is everyone’s duty. Our duty and your duty.
From Latitud Tenerife, we have taken into account all the foreseeable risks concerning the activity. After analyzing it, we have spent a lot of time on applying all the factors that minimize risks so you can enjoy Latitud Tenerife as safe as possible.
Our planning has 3 main essential lines:
- The choice of the best possible route.
- Improving and implementing this experience with our professional guarantee, through our Pack Latitud Tenerife assistance.
- The selection of all practical advices you to face your experience security and confidence.
Latitud Tenerife will take whole responsibility of the participants hiring our services as advertised on our website. Latitud Tenerife is not a source of information for those who want to do the activity without hiring our professional services. If so, those individuals will take full responsibility on their own actions.
If you decide to hire our services, next, you can find our advices in order to safely plan your experience.

The route choice
Safety and sustainability
The best route choice has not been an easy task. We have spent several months working on it, being advised by great mountaineers and hiking experts about Tenerife paths. The final decision has been based on security and sustainability criteria.
We have discarded the fastest route in favor of the safest one and most environmentally-friendly. For this reason, most of the track goes by well preserved and conditioned paths, promoted by the Natural Protected Areas that they belong to.
This way, we reduce the dangers that hiking entails when practised in bad-conditioned paths and traffic roads. Even though, we must mention that some roads must be crossed through in order to go from one path to another.
With our selection, we avoid to walk over some environmental fragile areas in our aim to create a tourism product that respects the integrity of our territory.
Practical advices when hiking

Previous preparation
As we have explained, Latitud Tenerife is not an easy walk, so it will not be risk free. We only recommend the activity for those who are used to hike in the nature. Common sense should not take our focus away from the fact that this activity demands a certain physical conditions, therefore, a good previous physical condition is necessary. Hiking or riding during so many kilometers is very demanding.
Physical condition is one of the most important aspects if we want to successfully do the route. Not only for ending it, but also to enjoy it and remember it as one the most rewarding experiences of our lifes.
A bad preparation, due to improvisation, may cause the abandonment of the activity, or even worse, we could suffer while doing the experience. Without doubt, the best way to get ready is to walk or ride a bicycle on the previous days, in similar conditions to those in the experience.
Season of the year
365 for your adventure
The climate conditions in the island allows Latitud Tenerife to be experienced at any time of the year. Anyway, winter season (December, January and February) and summer season (July and August) are the least recommended ones, due to weather issues. Some winters, Volcano Teide could be covered by snow, so climbing will not be possible. In those cases, an alternative route will be offered at the Teide National Park.

Dangers of roads
We have minimized the crossroads or walking over roads. Even though, there are some of them that we cannot avoid. We have to be very careful when crossing or walking over roads.
If you are going to do the walking option, take into account the bag’s weight and exhaustion slows the reactions down. In addition, we must always walk over the left side of the road in order to see the cars coming, and walking as far from the road as possible. We recommend to use a reflective vest to be seen easily by drivers.
Anyway, we reaffirm that the route goes through very few traffic roads.
Walking at night
We should avoid it. The stages were designed to be completed during day time, so we have to start walking soon in the morning and keep a good walking rate. In case we have to walk at night, you will have to carry a flashlight and reflective vest so you can be seen by others.

Eating and hydration
The body’s energy consumption is much larger during the activity than in an average day in our lifes, so we need to compensate this unbalance. We recommend to start the day with a good breakfast, to eat energetic food during the stage, and to do another big meal at the end of the day, once the stage is over and we are rested. Water will be our best friend. Only some stages go through towns where we can get water and food, that is why we recommend to start each stage with the amount of water and food required to complete the stage.
Essential in your bag
A first-aid-kit for hiking should include: scissors, needle, thread, pliers, bandage, gauzes, surgical tape, gloves, stitches, thermal blanket, whistle, band-aid, saline, vaseline, anti sting, ibuprofen, painkillers, anti inflammatory lotion, urbason, betadine, sun cream and glucose.